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Upgrading / Downgrading an Order

After purchasing an Order under a specific Plan should your requirements change, you may choose to switch to another Plan.

  • If while switching to another Plan, you choose a Plan of a lower pricing, then the credit available to you, needs to be immediately utilized towards
    extending the duration of the new Plan.

  • If your Order has Expired, you will not be able to switch Plans, until you have Renewed your existing Order.

  • The upgrade / downgrade functionality is not available for Orders under the following products:

    • Enterprise Email

    • Enterprise Email Lite

    • Dedicated Server

    • Managed Server

  • A SiteLock Order can only be switched (upgraded) to a Plan of higher Pricing.

  • A Weebly Order cannot be downgraded to the Free Plan.

  • For VPS Linux KVM:

    • Upgrade:

      Upgrading a plan scales up all the resources (Cores, Memory, Disk, Bandwidth and additional IP address) of your VPS depending on the new plan selected.
    • Downgrade:

      Downgrade of the server is not supported due to data integrity concerns while downsizing your server's disk. In such cases, you can place a request for new VPS order and migrate the data manually. You can contact our Support team for assistance with the new order purchase.
    • Estimated Downtime:

      Upgrading the server is usually quick and gets completed within 5-10 minutes. But it may take longer depending on your disk utilization and/or if your server needs to be re-migrated internally on a different host server. Rest assured, this is an automated process and you won't have to carry out any action.

Impact of Switching Plans

Switching from an existing Email Hosting Plan

When you select another Email Hosting Plan or a Website Builder Plan, your existing Email Hosting Order will not get affected under any circumstance:

New Plan Category Impact
Another Email Hosting Plan No change to existing Order
Website Builder Plan No change to existing Order

Switching from an existing Website Builder Plan

When you select another Website Builder Plan or an Email Hosting Plan, your existing Website Builder Order may get affected, depending upon the Plan you chose to switch to:

New Plan Category Impact
Email Hosting Plan Website Builder would be Deleted
Another Website Builder Plan No change to existing Order

To Switch to Another Plan

  1. Login to your Control Panel, Search for the domain name for which you have purchased this Order and go to the
    Order Information view. 1

  2. Click the See Plans & Pricing button.

  3. Click the Switch Plan button under the Plan you wish to switch to and proceed.


    If the cost of the new Plan is lower than your existing Plan, you would be displayed the arrears. To utilize this credit, you need to select a longer duration of this new Plan, before switching Plans.

    Resellers: The option to extend the duration of the new Plan would be available only if you have added Pricing Slabs of higher duration.

  4. Proceed to pay for the Invoice generated, in case you are switching to a Plan of higher Pricing.

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