Authenticates the Customer and returns the Customer details, if authenticated.
Name | Data Type | Required / Optional | Description |
auth-userid | Integer | Required | Authentication Parameter |
api-key | String | Required | Authentication Parameter |
username | String | Required | Username of the Customer |
passwd | String | Required | Password of the Customer |
HTTP Method
Example Test URL Request
Returns a hash map containing the below details, if the Customer is authenticated successfully:
Customer Id (customerid)
Customer Username (username)
Your Reseller Id (resellerid)
Reseller Id of your Parent Reseller (parentid)
Name (name)
Company (company)
Email Address (useremail)
Telephone Number Country Code (telnocc)
Telephone Number (telno)
First line of address of the Customer (address1)
Second line of address of the Customer (address2)
Third line of address of the Customer (address3)
City (city)
State (state)
Country Code (country)
ZIP Code (zip)
Personal Identification Number (pin)
Creation Date (creationdt)
Current Status (customerstatus)
Sales Contact Name and Email Id (salesrepresentative)
Language Preference for the Control Panel and Emails (langpref)
Total Receipts (totalreceipts)
2-Step Verification status (twofactorauth_enabled)
In case of any errors, a status key with value as ERROR alongwith an error message will be returned.
In case of a failed login attempt, a status key with value as ERROR alongwith the following details will be returned.
Maximum number times login can be attempted (maxAttempts)
Login failure message (message)
Remaining number of login attempts (remainingLoginAttempts)
NOTEThe account will be temporarily locked out for 30 minutes if remainingLoginAttempts is 0.