Gets a detailed list of Customer's Transactions, matching the search criteria.
Name | Data Type | Required / Optional | Description |
auth-userid | Integer | Required | Authentication Parameter |
api-key | String | Required | Authentication Parameter |
no-of-records | Integer | Required | Number of Transactions to be fetched |
page-no | Integer | Required | Page number for which details are to be fetched |
customer-id | Array of Integers | Optional | Customer Id of the Customers(s) whose Transactions are to be fetched |
username | Array of Strings | Optional | Username of the Customer(s) whose Transactions are to be fetched |
transaction-type | Array of Strings | Optional | Type of the Transactions. Possible values can be credit, debit, invoice, receipt. |
transaction-key | String | Optional | Transaction key. Possible value can be manually or systemgenerated. |
transaction-id | Array of Integers | Optional | Transaction Ids |
transaction-description | String | Optional | Transaction description |
balance-type | String | Optional |
Payment status for the Transaction. Possible values can be:
If this parameter is not included in the API call, all Transactions (balanced as well as unbalanced) will be fetched. |
amt-range-start | Integer | Optional | Lowest amount in the range of Transactions you intend to list |
amt-range-end | Integer | Optional | Highest amount in the range of Transactions you intend to list |
transaction-date-start | String | Optional | UNIX TimeStamp for listing of Transactions whose Creation Date is greater than transaction-date-start |
transaction-date-end | String | Optional | UNIX TimeStamp for listing of Transactions whose Creation Date is less than transaction-date-end |
order-by | Array of Strings | Optional | One or more parameters by which you want to sort the Transactions.
Example: If page-no is 1, no-of-records is 30 and order-by is customer-id; it will fetch the first 30 Transactions which match the search criteria sorted by customer-id. If page-no is 2, no-of-records is 30 and order-by is customer-id; it will fetch the second batch of 30 Transactions sorted by customer-id. |
HTTP Method
Example Test URL Request
Returns a hash map of the Customer's Transactions containing the below details:
Transaction Id (customer_transaction.transid)
Transaction Date (customer_transaction.transactiondate)
Order Id associated with the Transaction (customer_transaction.orderid)
Product Key (customer_transaction.key)
Transaction Type (customer_transaction.type)
Transaction Description (customer_transaction.description)
Whether Transaction is Greedy (greedy)
Customer Id Associated with the Transaction (customer_transaction.customerid)
Selling Currency Symbol of the Parent Reseller (customer_transaction.sellingcurrencysymbol)
Transaction Amount in the Selling Currency (customer_transaction.sellingamount)
Unutilised Transaction Amount in the Selling Currency (customer_transaction.unutilisedsellingamount)
Accounting Currency Symbol of the Parent Reseller (customer_transaction.accountingcurrencysymbol)
Transaction Amount in the Accounting Currency (customer_transaction.accountingamount)
Unutilised Transaction Amount in the Accounting Currency (customer_transaction.unutilisedaccountingamount)
Foreign Exchange Difference (forexdiff)
In case of any errors, a status key with value as ERROR alongwith an error message will be returned.