Gets a list and details of the Reseller Windows Hosting Orders matching the search criteria.
Name | Data Type | Required / Optional | Description |
auth-userid | Integer | Required | Authentication Parameter |
api-key | String | Required | Authentication Parameter |
no-of-records | Integer | Required | Number of Orders to be fetched. |
page-no | Integer | Required | Page number for which details are to be fetched. |
order-id | Array of Integers | Optional | Order ID(s) of the Reseller Windows Hosting Order(s) whose details need to be fetched. |
reseller-id | Array of Integers | Optional | Reseller Id(s) whose Orders need to be fetched. |
customer-id | Array of Integers | Optional | Customer Id(s) whose Orders need to be fetched. |
show-child-orders | Boolean | Optional | Whether Sub-Reseller Orders need to be fetched or not. |
status | Array of Strings | Optional | Status of the Order: Active, InActive, Deleted, etc. |
domain-name | String | Optional | Name of the Domain of the Reseller Windows Hosting Order. |
creation-date-start | String | Optional | UNIX TimeStamp for listing of the Reseller Windows Hosting Orders whose Creation Date is greater than creation-date-start. |
creation-date-end | String | Optional | UNIX TimeStamp for listing of the Reseller Windows Hosting Orders whose Creation Date is less than creation-date-end. |
expiry-date-start | String | Optional | UNIX TimeStamp for listing of the Reseller Windows Hosting Orders whose expiry date is greater than expiry-date-start. |
expiry-date-end | String | Optional | UNIX TimeStamp for listing of the Reseller Windows Hosting Orders whose expiry date is less than expiry-date-end. |
order-by | Array of Strings | Optional | One or more parameters by which you want to sort the Orders. Default is orderid.
Example: If page-no is 1, no-of-records is 30 and order-by is orderid; it will fetch the first 30 Orders which suit the search criteria sorted by orderid. If page-no is 2, no-of-records is 30 and order-by is orderid; it will fetch the second batch of 30 Orders sorted by orderid. |
HTTP Method
Example Test URL Request
US Server
UK Server
India Server
Returns the list of the Reseller Windows Hosting Orders which match the search criteria.