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About PayPal

PayPal ( is an eBay company, offering service to users in several countries. They have over 25 million registered users, including more than 3 million business accounts. PayPal is the most popular online Payment Gateway choice, and is the easiest Payment Gateway to use. It has a free sign-up process and you can be up and running with a PayPal account within no time at all. PayPal accepts members only from a given set of countries, and it is important to note that members outside these countries will not be allowed to transact at all, using PayPal.

PayPal has three types of Accounts - Personal, Premier and Business. You need to have a Premier or Business account in order to be able to integrate your PayPal account with our system.

You are advised to browse through the PayPal documentation, policies and interfaces in detail before attempting to integrate the same with our System. The specific items you ought to check with PayPal are:

  • Cost of receiving Payments via PayPal

  • Withdrawal Fees and Countries supported

  • Tracking Payments

  • Limits on Sending/Withdrawal/Receiving

  • Chargeback Policy of PayPal

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