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Listing / Searching your Customers

You can any time have an entire list of the Customers under you, or you can even search for a Customer under your Resellership. You need to follow the steps mentioned below to achieve the same: 

  1. Login to your Reseller Control Panel. 1

  2. In the Menu, point to Customers and click List to view the entire list or point to Customers -> Search, if you are searching for a particular Customer.

  3. Search operation can be performed according to one or more of the following criteria:

    • Customer Ids (comma-separated): If you wish to search for a specific set of your Customers, then you need to specify their Ids as comma separated values. Leave this blank if you do not want to narrow your search.

    • Name: You can specify the Customers Name you wish to search by entering data in this box. Leave this blank if you do not want to narrow search.

    • Username (Email Address): You can specify the Customers Username (Email Address) you wish to search by entering data in this box. Leave this blank if you do not want to narrow your search.

    • Company: You can specify the Customers Company Name you wish to search by entering data in this box. Leave this blank if you do not want to narrow your search.

    • Country: You can specify the Customers Country you wish to search by selecting the name of a Country in this box. Leave this field at the Select a Country option, if you do not want to narrow your search.

    • Customer  Status: You can specify the Customers Status you wish to search by selecting one of the values (Any {except Deleted}, Active or Suspended) in the drop down menu. Select Any if you do not want to narrow your search.

    • Creation Date: The Creation Date indicates the date when a Customer signed up under you. You may select a pre-defined timeframe or specify your own date range. Select All (Slowest Search), to search all of your Customers.

    • Order By: You can sort the search results, by selecting one of these options.

    • Total Receipts Between - You can search a specific set of Customers who have deposited/done business with you to a specific figure. Leave this blank if you do not want to narrow your search.

  4. Clicking the Customer Name link will open the Customer Details view.


You can also use the Search Bar on the Control Panel home page to bring up the Customer Details view. This Search Bar will also be available on the topmost menu bar, in every page of the Reseller Control Panel.

  1. Provide the Customer Name / Email Address / ID in the search field.

  2. Select Customer from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click the Search button.


The Customer Details view will be displayed only in case of Customer is directly under you. Otherwise, the below message will be displayed -

No Customers Found

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