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Manage PTR Records on VPS/Dedicated Servers

PTR Records are used for reverse DNS configuration. Reverse DNS (rDNS) is a method of resolving an IP address into a domain name. This is the opposite of DNS where the domain name is resolved to an IP address. 

You can add a PTR record on your VPS/Dedicated hosting from the server management panel by following the steps below.

Step 1: Login to your Order management panel. Learn how.

Step 2: Manage PTR Records

In the Server Management Panel, click Manage PTR records.Manage PTR Records

i. Add/Update the PTR value.

  1. On the IP Address Management page, enter the PTR value which you want to associate with the IP address.
  2. Click the check mark to save the value.Enter PTR Record
  3. Once the records are updated you will see a success message. 

ii. Delete PTR value. 

  1. On the IP Address Management page, click the delete option to remove the record associated with the IP address. Delete PTR Records
  2. You will see a confirmation message once the record is deleted.
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