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Migrating your cPanel Linux Hosting package from another Web Hosting company to K® Kenzie of Saudi Gulf Hosting

You may migrate your cPanel Web Hosting package from another Web Hosting provider to K® Kenzie of Saudi Gulf Hosting by following the steps mentioned below:


Before initiating the migration of your website, you need to create a partial backup of your package under the cPanel Hosting Control Panel with your current Hosting company.

Your partial backup should consist of a HOME DIRECTORY BACKUP and a MYSQL DATABASE BACKUP. Download the zipped copy of both these backups to your local computer. 1

To Restore your cPanel Linux Hosting package at K® Kenzie of Saudi Gulf Hosting

  1. Login to your Control Panel, Search for the domain name for which you have purchased this Hosting Order and go to the Order Information view. 2

  2. Click the Manage Web Hosting link.

  3. On the Home page, under the Files section, click Backups and proceed to restoring both the Home Directory and MySQL database backups. 3

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