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How do I set the default page?

When a hosting order is purchased, a default index.html page is uploaded to the hosting. You may rename or delete this default file after uploading your website content, so that your website resolves without any issues.

You may manually set the default page for your website by following these steps.

Linux Hosting

The default file can be specified using the .htaccess file.


If "Homepage.html" is the default page for your domain then you can add the below line to the .htaccess file.

DirectoryIndex Homepage.html

Windows Hosting

You can follow these steps to set the default page from your Plesk panel

  1. Login to the Plesk panel of the domain name for which you wish to set the default page.

  2. Click the Virtual Directories link.

  3. Under the Tools section, click the Directory Properties button.

  4. Under Documents, set the required default page by moving it to the top and click the OK button.

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