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How do I unblock port 80/443?

Step 1: Log in to your control panel. Learn how

Step 2: Navigate to the Order Information view.

 Type the Domain Name of the order in the search field on the homepage, select Order from the drop down and click on the Search button.

Step 3: Unblock the port.

Click on Manage Web Hosting.

Click on Port 80.

Click on Unblock Port.

Our scanners will now scan your website and automatically unblock the port if your files are clean. The below message will appear in your cPanel interface on a successful unblock.



Please ensure that you upgrade all vulnerable plug-ins and themes in your CMS or remove all pirated ones and use an alternate plug-in or theme which is not vulnerable. In addition to that, kindly re-install your CMS to the latest version immediately, so that you do not face this issue again.



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